Friday, October 14, 2005

Managing people: making work meaningful

As a manager, one of your most important challenges is leading your people. New managers often misunderstand this, thinking that the only important thing is making sure everyone knows what to do to get the work done.

My speaking colleague Jim Clemmer has written a profound article that will give you some perhaps surprising insights into a wider view. Jim's view—and I heartily agree with it—is that people have a deep need to feel their work is meaningful. He gives some surprising examples of how this plays out in the workplace.

Please consider your own job first. Is this work meaningful for you? If not, what could you, your boss or your organization do to make it so? When you figure that out, take action. It's in everyone's interest to have you perform at an optimum level, so don't hesitate to put forth your suggestions.

Now, consider the people who report to you. Do you believe they are fulfilled in their work? Consider having conversations with them to find out. If they are not, what can you as manager do to help them?

Check out Jim's article using the link below and see if it sparks any ideas for you. Then come back and leave me your comments.
Here's the link

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Managing: is poor communication the problem or the symptom?

Poor communication is often cited as a problem. Often, it is. But just as often it's a symptom for another problem altogether, such as inter-departmental competition, lack of trust or thoughtlessness.

The link below is to an article from South Africa, in which the writer expresses surprise that two bodies of people who are professional communicators don't seem able to communicate. I believe that's because in this case, communication is a symptom of bitter rivalry and fear of the other's success. What do you think?

Consider whether your own people could be suffering from the same problem. If so, what can you do about it?

After you've read the article, please come back here and leave me your comments and thoughts on this.

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