Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Career development for managers

In the current issue of HR Magazine, writer Lisa Daniel gives some great practical approaches to developing your career as a manager. She covers subjects such as how to approach your own manager to explore advancement opportunities, how to develop the skills you will need, what research to do before the discussion and more.

Since she is writing in a Human Resources publication, Daniel focuses on HR managers, but you can apply these ideas just as easily no matter what area of management you are in. Click on the link below to access the article.

HR Magazine, July 2005 - On-the-Job Development

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

New managers need fast start help

Follow the link below to an excellent article on Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge site. If you are responsible for orienting new people, particularly new managers, there's some great tips here. If you are a new manager, you can "reverse engineer" the techniques to help yourself.

HBS Working Knowledge: Leadership: Getting New Managers Up to Speed