Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Trust, communication and business success

Yesterday I posted some thoughts about lack of trust resulting in lack of communication. Today I read this article that illustrates the huge business advantage of building trust and fostering communication at all levels.

Even if your management level is not yet high, you can still foster this environment of trust within your own group. Be sure that your people feel comfortable in communicating with you, even if the message is negative. YOU might not be too comfortable with their honest feedback at first, but you'll soon appreciate its value.

Check out the article for more evidence of the value of trust.

The Truth?

Monday, June 27, 2005

Poor Communicaton: cause or effect?

A client recently complained about poor communication at her meetings. One particular person was singled out as having no communication skills because she never spoke up at the meetings. I spoke to the employee in question, though, and found that she was reluctant (scared, even) to speak up because when she had done so in the past she had been shouted down by a manager who didn't like anyone disagreeing with him.

That's not a communication issue. That's a trust issue.

As a manager, if you want honest feedback you must create an environment where it is safe to disagree and say so.