Friday, December 02, 2005

Workplace Relationships Set the Tone for Job Performance - Knowledge@W. P. Carey

There's a maxim that's often quoted by consultants: "People don't leave companies, they leave managers." This is undoubtedly true, but I'd say they also leave co-workers.

The people you work with don't need to be your bosom buddies, nor do you need to have them over to dinner. But as a professional, you must work with them and in a way that is the most productive and advantageous to you and your company.

This article reviews a new study called "Relational Identity and Identification: Defining Ourselves Through Work Relationships." It's work a look. Tell me what you think.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Managing: When you speak, you are leading

This article has some good advice about using your speaking opportunities to establish your leadership role. Presentations become more a part of your job as you progress up the management ladder. Here's an important career lesson you should learn: when you present well, people think you do everything well!So hone your presentation skills early, and they will serve you well for your whole career. Check out the article at

If you want to develop your management skills, you need to find out about my Manager's Journey program starting in January. The free preview calls, The Manager's Day Trip, are underway and you can read all about them at The Manager's Journey website I hope to "see you" there this Wednesday!