Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Most workers don't want the boss's job

If you are ambitious, you have probably more than once had your eye on your boss's job. After all, that's the logical next step up the ladder.

So when I read this article in Delaware Online, which says most people don't want the boss's job, I was surprised! The main reason seems to be that people are afraid of the pressure to perform that comes with the managerial office.

What didn't surprise me was the next statement: most workplace discontent comes from lack of communication. I've been preaching this message to whoever will listen since I began speaking and training in the early nineties, and it just gets more and more true. That's why my business is based on helping people communicate better. If you haven't been to my website for a while, go on over there and read some of my articles. Become a better communicator and you'll automatically be a better manager.

Here's the link to the Delaware Online article: http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051024/BUSINESS/510240311/-1/NEWS01

Here's the link to my website: http://www.mhwcom.com Sign up for my e-zine and get your free 40-page e-book, "23 Ideas You Can Use RIGHT Now To Communicate and Succeed in Your Business Career!"


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